This week Dr Le was delighted to give a talk to the teachers and staff at Scotch College titled “Student Education and Well-being in the Digital Age” at the Torrens Park Campus in Adelaide.

Dr Le’s key message was this:

“No matter how sophisticated or advanced technology gets, we cannot forget the human aspect of learning. We must continue to invest in teachers who care about student education and well-being.”

Scotch College have always been pioneers in education. They were one of the first schools in Australia to implement the 1:1 student laptop computer program. They are also innovators in student well-being, implementing a “Character Strengths” program into their school culture.

There was much discussion about the challenges of education in the digital age, especially around limiting screen time in a world surrounded by WiFi Internet.

Dr Le’s main advice for teachers and families was this: Have old-fashioned family meetings to discuss your attitudes towards technology use in the classroom and home.

Learning about attitude in class

It is important to discuss the goals of the family and the individual. When adults are clear about expectations and limitations, you can better prioritise offline activities, learning and leisure, with online activities, learning and leisure.

Just remember this fundamental principle: when you prioritise offline skills first, this will optimise your child’s online skills.

Because there is often confusion around what defines a screen, screen use at school/home and individual child differences, there is not a black and white approach to screen time.

However, here are some general principles when considering managing your child’s screen use by CGI Clinic.

  • Ensure chores and homework done before screen use at home.
  • No screens at the dinner table.
  • Switch off screens 1 hour before bedtime.
  • Encourage play without the use of screens.
  • Regular breaks from screens every 30 mins
  • Non screen days or “tech sabbaticals”.
  • Talk to your children, attempt to understand their screen use by spending family-time together.
  • If there is a Government or product label warning, use it.
  • Not all screens nor games are created equal. Internet connected activities and modern games are more advanced and potentially more addictive.

Just remember, Steve Jobs CEO of Apple did not let his own children use the iPad!These CGI Clinic recommendations are guidelines only and by no means comprehensive. Not all children are the same. If you would like to discuss this more please join our Facebook page here.


Click to access Students-Computers-Learning-Making-the-Connection-Infographic%20.pdf